We have worked alongside some great people & brands throughout the years & at the same time declined many opportunities. Each successful project has been custom formatted to fulfil the client brief while allowing us creative input into the processes & outcomes. Acknowledging indigenous people, adhering to sound practises & ensuring brands think about the people, the environment & the effects of the generations to come - considerations we take seriously & hope you do to.

Launch evening Auckland Art Gallery Photo Brendon O'Hagen

Launch evening Auckland Art Gallery Photo Brendon O'Hagen

Launch evening Auckland Art Gallery Photo Brendon O'Hagen

Mentorship Programme - Chosen Artist Ashin Ashin

Artwork for hospital venue precinct. Dawn Blessing - Viaduct Harbour

Artweek Auckland - working with Angus Muir at the Auckland District Court

Matariki Festival 2016 - 3D mapping & digital projection created by Daniel Davis. 4 generations of whakapapa & designs projected onto the iconic St James Theatre, Auckland.

Matariki Festival 2016 - Rain art installation, water applied by watering can symbolising the great gardens of Ngāti Paoa that once were transported by waka to this location at the bottom of Queen Street.

Matariki Festival 2016

Matariki Festival 2016

Apia, Samoa Prime Minister Jacinda Adern Prime Minister Naomi Fiame Mata'afa

Apia, Samoa

Silo Park - Wynyard Quarter

Workshops & mentoring

Live printing of original art works at Amazon, Auckland.

Live painting at 'Eat my lunch' - corporate event

Auckland Museum - South side stories MIT

Live painting - collaboration project with Mike Tupaea (carvings)

Whānui - Auckland Arts Festival Upper Harbour Primary mural activation. Photo Raymond Sagapolutele


#PODSystem #makerslab customisation activation Loaded, High St Photo Sacha Stejko

Mural & community engagement event

Waiheke Island - Heineken/Tiger Beer Exec Team

Showcase of flora & fauna inspired artwork - Hong Kong

Tote bag promotion

Tote bag promotion

Live pou painting - Education Conference Auckland 2018

Mooree, NSW - community art activation (photo Luke Shirlaw)

Project Paint the Pacific - with Benjamin Work, Tanya Edwards

Auckland Arts Festival - Cube project curation & live painting. Nga hau e wha - the 4 winds

Art Workshops

Stop, Look, Listen - South Auckland schools safety campaign

Raiatea - French Polynesia, Ono'u Festival 2018

School workshop & live painting demo

Community art workshop

Creative Workshops - Tāmaki Makaurau

Wynyard Quarter