We have the honour of being 1 of 40 different artists to be chosen to paint a giant owl for the Big Hoot campaign in Auckland. A multi organization project the purpose is to fundraiser to support the Child Cancer Foundation here in NZ. The result is an owl trail throughout the city that you can follow for the next few months.
Each owl was funded by a local company so thank you to the Kingsland Business Association for ours & those artists were invited to paint them in their own style. Our work titled ‘Karanga’ (meaning to call one in or welcome them) is an invitation to the viewer to come into a place of support towards this project. Wether its finances, time, a hug or visiting a loved one - our Ruru painted in a natural style with graphic pattern is a simplistic approach keeping things as they are here in Aotearoa with our beautiful endemic bird life. Our love goes out to the children & families who are effected by cancer every day. The owls go up for auction in May so go to the big hoot page and stay tuned. Our hope is that by all coming together & using our skills & time, these campaigns create windows of hope & support for those in need!
Download the app, go follow the map & if you’re lucky enough there are spot prizes to be won.


Opening night - Photo Raymond Sagapolutele