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It’s not often you get to paint a bus stop but we had the privilege of doing so recently in the cool little suburb of Mangere Bridge.

Although we live a while a way we frequently visit for an allpress coffee and the fresh bread from Hong Kong Bakery. But despite the yummy food the local town management have been exploring the idea of using art to bring life to their part of town and so they touched base with us.

Maungakiekie to the north & Te Pane o Mataoho to the south, the 2 mountains knows as One Tree Hill & Mangere mountain are carefully watched over by the 2 Tui. The vast blue sky & surrounding harbour are acknowledged by the blue shades symbolizing the deep layers of the ocean. The colorful band reminds us of the importance of connection & celebrating the multi cultural society that we live in today.

Thank you to everyone who made this happen, a local man said one day “it ain’t as bad I thought it would be”, and that’s what makes us smile!

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