Lens, Paris - France

We had the privilege of attending a 4 day festival in the city of Lens, France alongside a group of international artists. The local council initiative to bring vitality & colour to their town was an effort to battle some of the issues that result from the closure of large mine companies resulting in a 70% unemployment rate in the area.
Understanding the impact of art & the effects it has on humans they prepared large canvases under bridges and on public walls & gave the artists involved the opportunity to work in their personal styles & to paint works that reflected our responses. A mixture of graffiti letters & character work appeared over the next few days & resulted in a huge shift in the emotion of the town & the public responses were great.
We then traveled to Paris for 7 days to take in the sights, to immerse ourselves into the arts culture & took away so much inspiration. Painting with local artists we completed some work at the l’aeresol painting park & met gallery owners & collectors at some amazing spaces. A huge thanks to Bertrandz for inviting us, to our photographer friend Fabe Collage for having us stay a few days & always to our babysitters & family who hold the fort at home. Paris stole our heart that’s for sure & we can’t wait to return!