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Clendon Community Mural

With the recent opening of the new Pak n Save in Clendon the community have once again found themselves with new alterations to their ‘Home’.  The Clendon Pride community trust approached Progressive NZ to suggest that the large blank wall left exposed after the old New World building demolition would be a great place for a mural.

After approaching us & getting the go ahead we worked with the WhatHope youth group to wananga about possible ideas & narrative to paint & we came away with key iconic spaces & places.  We designed a contemporary concept that includes the Manurewa Marae, the 2 key Maunga Matukutururu & Matkurureia, the Manukau Harbour & the beautiful bird life.  Subtle designs incorporated into the imagery include the kaiwhare stingray design connecting to the story of Hape & his journey here to the Manukau Harbour & the kaokao strength design acknowledging the resilience of the people of this rohe & the wider Manukau harbour area .  Throughout the design a long rope ties everything together, the butterflies lead the many forward as a picture of progression, connectivity & purpose - all important aspects of community life.  From there we spent a very long and hot day prepping the 5.5m x 45m wall with 5 hard working local youth & over the next 3 weeks painted in between storms & blistering hot days.

On April 14th the official blessing takes place & we get to celebrate together alongside a whanau day & remind the community to be proud of their area.  ‘Home, Land, Sea’ extends our creative journey of finding those special places and displays the beauty of our people & our manu through contemporary design.  Thank you to Progressive for funding this initiative, to the WhatHope youth for your hard work & ideas, to Clendon Pride for the amazing work you are doing & to our babies who put up with us running back & forward to the wall between downpours to get it done.

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