The Block NZ - Villa Wars 2015

If you didn't see it all over your television screen, the Block NZ kitchen reveal was probably one of the most controversial episodes of the shows history so far. A total flop or an absoltute genius moment, we were approached by Hayden & Jamie to paint 'Be Bold' in a graffiti style for their kitchen splashback & it stirred the interior design hornets nest to say it nicely haha.
Everyones' opinion will differ, the world will never agree on wether this was a good or bad idea - what we loved was that someone had the guts to follow their dreams, put the judgement of others aside & to persue their out of the box idea. #BEBOLD has become a statement to encourage young New Zealanders to step out, take the leap & live outiside of the box - we were stoked to be part of their journey.